

  • Body Mass index

    To determine if you’re obese or not, enter the following information & calculate your body mass index (BMI).

    What’s BMI?

    BMI evaluates your health by comparing your height to your weight. It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in metres square. It categorises whether you’re underweight, a healthy weight, overweight, or obese for your height.

    BMI (Body Mass Index) = Body Weight (in kilograms ) / Height (in meters) 2

  • Target Heart Rate

    • You gain the most benefits and lessen the risks when you exercise in your target heart rate zone. Usually this is when your exercise heart rate (pulse) is 60% to 80% of your maximum heart rate. In some cases, your health care provider may decrease your target heart rate zone to begin with 50%.
    • Always check with your health care provider before starting an exercise program. Your health care provider can help you find a program and target heart rate zone that matches your needs, goals and physical condition.

    Your target heart rate is should be between

    129 and 170.3 beats per minute

    The maximum heart rate is the highest heart rate achieved during maximal exercise. One simple method to calculate your predicted maximum heart rate, uses this formula:

    220 - Your age = Predicted maximum heart rate (MHR)

    Please note that some medications and medical conditions may affect your heart rate.
    If you are taking medications or have a medical condition (such as heart disease, high blood pressure or diabetes), always ask your doctor if your maximum heart rate/target heart rate will be affected. If so, your heart rate ranges for exercise should be prescribed by your doctor or an exercise specialist. Your actual maximum heart rate is most accurately determined by a medically supervised maximal graded exercise test.

  • Ideal Body Weight Calculator

    Please enter your height in cm


    It is very important to know your ideal body weight, when compared with your present weight status it allows you to understand your health profile.

    Your Ideal Body Weight varies based on gender, age, and current health. This ideal weight calculator is an approximation and based on the Broca's Index.

    Broca's Index for IBW Forumla: Height (in Cm) - 100